Saturday, June 4, 2011

Enmeshed in Time

I am almost in a panic mode as I still haven't found an apt. and only 26 days left. I have phoned every contact and only came up with one viewing. It was an old building, stank and was too small. Had a west exposure and a lovely balcony but my furniture wouldn't fit. What to do next before I totally loose it?

I am back into Insomnia due to worry which is totally unproductive based on what needs to be done. Thank God I started packing early.

I have to keep reminding myself to keep Faith. If the Universe (God) provided me with the means to move, IT will also provide me with a home. I just need to be patient and trust that all is working perfectly on my behalf. That's hard to do when the body is shaking and the stomach is full of butterflies from the stress and fear.

~ Tutte ~