Monday, September 13, 2010

Blessings Provided by Arch

Having married a man 20 years older, I received the greatest blessing of all. A Family. His children and I managed despite the circumtances to become very close. They had a right to resent me as he left them all to come to me. They recognized how great his love was for me and therefore had open hearts and welcome me into their lives. I am sure because they recognized mine for him as well. No couple was ever happier.

His oldest daughter is 2 years younger then myself which makes the entire relationships more exceptional. I am so blessed to have had them in my life for over 30 years and they continue to support me. Sadly, they live a great distance away and I haven't seen them in 6 years but they continue to write and phone. Apart from my sons, they are all I have left of Arch and I know they loved him as much as I do. He was and ever will be the bond we share. This photo was taken on Arch's 71st birthday and 3 months before he died.

He was an exeptional person on most levels. I have to be realistic, so he was not perfect and one of his flaws left me destitute. He was far too trusting, didn't have the killer instinct that is required to be a successful businessman. He was the guy with the innovative ideas, hired and trusted others to carry them forward and they never did. He raised over 5 Million on his own and started several public companies. They subsequently failed for varied reasons. That's a feather in his cap.

Everyone loved Arch who ever came in contact with him. Including those who took adantage and scammed him. He was so sweet and humourous. Could make anyone laugh and did. A wonderful speaker and host. He was a very unique individual and why I loved him so. I forgive his failures since I know his intentions were always to provide for his most beloved family. All of us. It just wasn't meant to be.

~ Tutte ~