og faldt til Hvile under alle Zoner,
een slumrer under Sneen højt i Nord,
en anden under sydens Blomsterflor
hvor Vinden hvisker mellem Palmekroner.
Paa alle Kyster ved det aabne Hav
en Frændes Ankerplads er vel at finde,
da ingen kender hvor han fandt sin Grav,
og ingen ham en krans til Kisten gav,
paa hjemlig Jord ham rejstes dette minde.
They sought anchorage on every shore,
And found rest in many places,
One sleeps under the snow in the North
Another under the flowers of the South
Where the wind whispers through the crowns of Palms.
On all shores bordered by the open Sea
One is likely to find a friendly resting place,
As no one knows where he found his Grave,
And none were there to place a wreath upon his coffin,
In his homeland, this memorial has been erected.
~ translated by Tutte ~